« My wife, you see, told me that she wanted to find her way in painting. It was a thunderclap for those around her. But she had long been determined. It is important to be determined, but that is not enough. You also have to be lucky. Life is the confrontation of these two factors. And after many ups and downs, she achieved her goal »
Roger Zeiler
Tribute to Belasco, private exhibition at the Grand Palais (Salon d’Automne 1986), Paris
Gold medal at the second « Annuale Italiana d’Arte Grafìca » 1968
Member of the Salon d’Automne, Paris 1974
Member of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Nika First Prize, Ueno Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo 1974
Silver Medal, Société Académique Arts Sciences et Lettres, Paris 1976
Honorary member of the Nika-Kaï Salon, Tokyo